• Micro-integrations is the trend in Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) space nowadays. Compared to using a centralized ESB, in miro-integrations, each integration logic is handled via a separate micro-service facilitating better management of complex integration requirements with added advantages such as simplicity, agility and cloud native.

  • Codeobe is an Micro-IPaaS solution designed specifically for micro-integrations. Majority of the integration solutions out there only focus on the integration development support only. Codeobe not only helps you get you started, but covers the entire development lifecycle including development, deployment, monitoring, CI/CD and DevOps in the integration process. While building Codeobe we included centralized monitoring and management capabilities that were there in the ESB together with the advantages that come from the microservices world.

  • Codeobe promotes code-based integrations, which is similar to serverless functions, where users only have to write the code and every other integration and monitoring concerns are handled by the platform. On top of that, Codeobe has a set of features that are essential to enterprise application integration space, such as centralized logs, failure handling features such as message replay and message resends. These help address the key challenges of an enterprise integration projects, such as message tracing, debugging, root cause analysis and business to integration flow mapping becomes much easier across development, deployment and production.

  • Compared to serverless, we provide much flexibility on version control and deployment. Codeobe supports Github, GitLab, BitBucket and Azure Repos and you could deploy your runtime in any of the major cloud providers (AWS,Azure,GCP) within your data centers. This ensures your code and your runtime are secured the way you want it.

  • We decided to go with code-based integrations (compared to graphical / no-code) approach, because we trust that the architects and engineers should have complete control over code when it comes to production readiness, debugging, and traceability of code. Doing so, we were able to make a super simple, lean, and high-performance platform that everyone can use and afford. Moreover the architects, developers, QA and other project stakeholders will feel comfortable mapping the business use cases and design intents of the solution.

  • Our objective is for enterprises to achieve production-ready integrations with much lower TCO and with much faster GTM. Codeobe can help reduce time and cost on multiple fronts. The ultimate yield for you is your customers’ success and satisfaction. Since this is a very brief introduction, I would like to point to our website www.codeobe.cloud for more details. Also you can evaluate our platform using the free trial option. If you like to see a live Demo, I’m happy to arrange one at your convenience.

  • Currently we are looking for partnerships to extend our service delivery. Also we are open to white labeling and a similar business model that ensures success for both the parties. Please let me know a time that we can stop by for a short call for a demo and discuss any business opportunities that we could explore together.