When it comes to configurations management in Microservice architectures Spring Cloud Config Server is the easiest and widely used solution for spring based Microservice implementations. Although there are a lot of tech blogs on configuring this for its basic use, very little information is available on securing the server for production level deployment. In this article, my focus is to bring together the concepts and configurations that we could use to tighten the security of Spring Cloud Config Server.

Spring Cloud Config Serve provides server and client-side support for externalized configuration in a distributed system. With the Config Server you have a central place to manage external properties for applications across all environments[1]. Following are some of the features which make it the best candidate for configuration management.

  • HTTP, resource-based API for external configuration (name-value pairs)
  • Encrypt and decrypt property values (symmetric or asymmetric)
  • Embeddable easily in a Spring Boot applications with annotations
  • Git as the configuration source (supports versioning)
  • Support of refresh properties at runtime

It is extremely important to keep the configuration server secured as it might hold sensitive configuration information such as access credentials to other applications and services. Hence leaving the security unattended here, will open the doors to every other system and could end up in an irreparable damage. Following are some simple but powerful concepts that help to tighten the security of the configuration server.

  • Apply authentication on configuration server
  • Always use secured channels when configurations are in transit
  • Use secured, private repository as the configuration source
  • Never store passwords in plain text
  • Disable the decrypting at the cloud config server.
Apply authentication on configuration server

The Spring Cloud Config Server (lets say SCCS from here onwards) support basic authentication out of the box. Bacic auth can be configured via server’s property files and clients bootstrap.properties file.Basic auth might not be the best option, but it is the default mechanism provided by config server and would be the easiest to implement for both config server and clients connecting to it. Additionally its best practise to add physical network level security. Make sure to choose a strong password which cannot be easily guessed. Also it would be better not to hardcode this password in the application.properties file in both clients and server, instead use a build variable and inject it in the build time using a build script. For example spring application properties support environment variables in the following syntax.

Always use secured channels when configurations are in transit

Having basic authentication enabled, would not help if an unencrypted channel is used, as a middle man can eavesdrop the username and password being posted. Therefore having a secured channel (in this case HTTPS) is a must when you implement basic auth. The same applies for configuration data, as sensitive configuration data should never traverse the network in an unencrypted channel. You can configure SCCS to serve on HTTPS using its application properties file.
For testing purposes, a self sign key can be used, (one can be generated using the command below
keytool -genkey -alias selfsigned_localhost_sslserver -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 700 -keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keystore ssl-server.jks
If a self sign certificate is used, the clients should have the public cert of self sign certificate used by the server installed to the JVMs trust-store to avoid SLL handshake issues.

Use secured, private repository as the configuration source

Spring cloud config server supports few backends as the configuration source. As git is the widely used one, We will be focusing on git here. Git repos can be secured with basic auth or ssh key based authentication. Spring cloud config server supports both of these modes.
Username/password authentication
SSH-Key based authentication
spring.cloud.config.server.git.private-key= — — -BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY — — -\nyourprivatekeyline1\nline2goeshere==\n — — -END RSA PRIVATE KEY — — –

Never store passwords in plain text

The SCCS supports handling encrypted properties and further provides REST endpoints for encryption and decryption. The Config Server can use a symmetric (shared) key or an asymmetric one (RSA key pair). The asymmetric choice is superior in terms of security, but it is often more convenient to use a symmetric key since it is just a single property value to configure. To enable encryption, use the following configuration in both config-server and connecting clients in their bootstrap.properties file.
The encryption endpoint can be invoked as follows and it will return the encrypted value.

curl -X POST -k ‘https://localhost:8443/encrypt' — header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ — header ‘Authorization: Basic cm9vdDpzM2NyM3Q=’ \ — data-raw ‘myPasswordHEre’

# above will return something like this
The encrypted configuration is stored in the following format in the properties files. For example myservice-dev.properties file look like below.
Similarly , the decryption endpoint can be invoked as follows and it will return the plain text value.

curl -X POST -k ‘https://localhost:8443/decrypt' — header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ — header ‘Authorization: Basic cm9vdDpzM2NyM3Q=’ \ — data-raw ‘0259096f4748c2423df982311dab5f73e1194edc2a866fc77abd05e828a5597e’
Disable the decrypting at the cloud config server.

For additional security, you can configure the server not to decrypt the configuration but only decrypt at the client-side. In servers bootstrap.properties file add the following to configure the same.


Further, we disable the decrypt endpoint from the spring configuration server, such that even if one has access to the server could not get the plain text value of an encrypted property. 



In micro-services architecture, configuration properties usually are the endpoint URLs and credentials for the other connecting applications and services. When we decide to use a centralized config server, that server needs to be secured as it stores the sensitive information.

The basic means of security is to configure authentication to the server. So that only authenticated users (in this case microservices)have access to the config server. Further, the channel between micro-services and SCCS needs to be encrypted to avoid eavesdropping attacks, therefore SSL is configured. Further, it is best to implement physical network security to only allow traffic from Microservices to this server as an additional measure.

The SCCS provides support to decrypt while reading, but for better security, we have disabled this feature and configured those to be decrypted at the client. Further, we have disabled the decryption endpoint from the config server, disabling the decryption ability from users who have access to the server.