The process of changing from one state of the product to an improved status is called change management in software development. This process takes care of the changes in the artifacts such as code changes, documentation changes, process changes. The following explains the steps in the change management process at a high level.
Change requests can come from different stakeholders of the software. A change advisory board monitors the change management process in any software development project/product.
For example, a product user might encounter an error and report it to the service desk. Then, the service desk prioritizes this incident and works with incident managers to solve the issue. A workaround might be provided for the time being; however, the root cause of the issue might be different. Therefore, once the root cause analysis has been done, the change request must be made by the relevant party to the change advisory board. Then, they discuss and approve the change. Once the change request has been approved, the relevant party can implement the change. Then the change will be reviewed.
Being agile in change management favors incremental changes, the collaboration between development teams, interactive work on the project in a sequential manner which are called sprints. A software development sprint might last from one to four weeks duration. The following characteristics explain the agility of software development.
Following are the components of a microservices platform.
You need to know which team is responsible for which service or platform component for better change management. The microservices are individual components with their database and a technology stack. Therefore, any changes to the microservices can easily be made without affecting the entire application. Individual components can have different versions as well as per the business requirements.The external integrations such as endpoints can have changes in terms of security and configuration. The relevant changes need to be adequately analyzed via logs and recorded as well. Apart from all of these, better collaboration between inter and intra teams makes it easier for better change management with proper documentation.